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Images Disappearing In Google Slides

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  • Open your presentation in Google Slides.
  • Select the text you want to modify.
  • On the toolbar, you'll find a lot of buttons and settings that you can use to customize and modify the text. Let's see the most common ones.
  • First, we have the font. To change the font of the text, click the Font drop-down arrow. You'll see a list of available fonts.
  • Click the one you want to apply. The text will change accordingly.
  • Some of the fonts have an arrow pointing to the right. That means there are different styles to choose from. These are usually arranged from light to bold. To apply a style, just click the one you prefer.
Images Disappearing In Google Slides

Workaround to prevent embedded pictures disappearing or displaying improperly in Impress slides: 1- From 'Slide Sorter' right click on empty space and select 'New Slide' 2- Double click the new slide. You can open the ppt file one minute, everything will look ok. You leave it open, go to a different window for a few minutes, come back to the ppt, and one of the images is missing. Leave that window for a few more minutes, come back, and the image will be back. There's no rhyme or reason to determine which images disappear or why they disappear.

  • If you need more fonts, you can add more from Google Fonts. For more information, please refer to this tutorial.
  • Next, we have the font size. It determines how big or small your text is. To change the size of your text, select it, click the Font size drop-down arrow and choose the size you want.
  • You can also enter your own value. To do so, click the Font size text field (not the drop-down arrow), type the value and press Enter.
  • Next, we have the bold, italic and underline buttons. The first style, bold, is used for emphasis. The second one, italic, makes your text lean slightly to the right. The third one, underline, draws a line under your text, in case you want to highlight something. To apply these, select the text and click the corresponding button.
  • If you want to remove any of these three styles from the selected text, click again the corresponding button.
  • Next, we have the text color and the highlight color. As their names suggest, the first one determines the color of the text and the second one determines the color of the highlight. It's easy to change any of them: select the text, click Text color or Highlight color and choose the desired color from the list.
  • Next, we have the align options. These are useful to align your text inside its text box. There are two types:
  1. Horizontal align: If you click the Left, Center or Right buttons, you'll align the text to the left, center or right, respectively. The last button, Justify, aligns the text so that each line has the exact same length.
  2. Vertical align: If you click the Top, Middle or Bottom buttons, you'll align the text to the top, the middle or the bottom of the text box itself.
  • The last one we're going to talk about is the line spacing. This option determines how much spacing there is between the lines of a text. To apply a specific spacing, select the text, click Line spacing and choose between Single, 1.15, 1.5 or Double.
  • You can also enter a custom value for the spacing. To do so, select the text, click Line spacing and choose Custom spacing. Then, just type the desired value in the field below 'Line spacing' and click Apply.
  • Lastly, to remove any formatting from the text and leave it with the default settings, select the text and click Clear formatting.

Images Disappearing From Google Slides

In a world that is becoming more connected via The Cloud, programs are now letting you create and share projects and presentations without downloading software. This means you don't need to worry and fret with the idea that someone in your company or team doesn't have the needed software to view important files. But because we didn't start off as a cloud-based society, our go-to tool for creating presentations was the powerhouse known as PowerPoint. As companies and individuals start leaning more towards cloud-based systems, they're beginning to realize that they need to convert what they already have into what is now available in a cloud-based solution, such as Google Slides. If you are wanting to make that leap, here are 5 things to be aware of when you convert PowerPoint to Google Slides.

1. Animations/Transitions

Before exporting and transferring your presentation, keep in mind that the animations and transitions that you have applied to objects within your project will not carry over. Yes this can create headaches for those who use animations on every single object, but the purpose for converting over isn't in the usability of the features post-transfer. The goal and purpose for transferring over to a cloud system is usually in keeping the content of a PowerPoint project, as well as allowing multiple people access to the presentation without having to download an external software.This can be a huge issue if you are wanting to transfer over complex and intricate presentations.

2. Video/Audio


Images Disappearing In Google Slides Free

When creating presentations in PowerPoint, you can seamlessly incorporate audio and video within the presentation. This becomes an issue when uploading your project to Google Slides. The video and audio will no longer work as it once did in PowerPoint. Once your project is uploaded, you can re-insert the video directly from your computer or YouTube while in Google Slides. Unfortunately, the process is a little harder when working with audio. You literally need to link an image with a link to the audio file found on the web, and it will then play the audio when clicked.

3. Charts/Hyperlinks

Charts in PowerPoint work so well and allow for many different types of scenarios and situations, but they include miniature Excel sheets within that handle all the equations and sequences. The same thing happens in Google Slides with Google Sheets, but it also happens to be that neither PowerPoint and Excel get along very well with Slides and Sheets. So, long story short, charts don't transfer over to Slides from PowerPoint.

PowerPoint allows for the use of hyperlinks, which means that they allow you to link to specific pages outside of the program and slides within the program. Essentially, this allows you to create a kind of choose-your-own-adventure presentation. Which is a fun way to present. But like charts, there are problems with the code and link that kill the hyperlink. You have to relink the objects and or text natively within Google Sheets.

4. Notes

After all the things that don't transfer over, you were beginning to wonder if anything does! Well don't worry, slide notes are some of the only things that stay formatted correctly when uploading PowerPoint projects to Google Slides. Which means all those speaker, teacher, and HR notes that you meticulously typed in are simply uploaded during the transfer.

5. SmartArt


Workaround to prevent embedded pictures disappearing or displaying improperly in Impress slides: 1- From 'Slide Sorter' right click on empty space and select 'New Slide' 2- Double click the new slide. You can open the ppt file one minute, everything will look ok. You leave it open, go to a different window for a few minutes, come back to the ppt, and one of the images is missing. Leave that window for a few more minutes, come back, and the image will be back. There's no rhyme or reason to determine which images disappear or why they disappear.

  • If you need more fonts, you can add more from Google Fonts. For more information, please refer to this tutorial.
  • Next, we have the font size. It determines how big or small your text is. To change the size of your text, select it, click the Font size drop-down arrow and choose the size you want.
  • You can also enter your own value. To do so, click the Font size text field (not the drop-down arrow), type the value and press Enter.
  • Next, we have the bold, italic and underline buttons. The first style, bold, is used for emphasis. The second one, italic, makes your text lean slightly to the right. The third one, underline, draws a line under your text, in case you want to highlight something. To apply these, select the text and click the corresponding button.
  • If you want to remove any of these three styles from the selected text, click again the corresponding button.
  • Next, we have the text color and the highlight color. As their names suggest, the first one determines the color of the text and the second one determines the color of the highlight. It's easy to change any of them: select the text, click Text color or Highlight color and choose the desired color from the list.
  • Next, we have the align options. These are useful to align your text inside its text box. There are two types:
  1. Horizontal align: If you click the Left, Center or Right buttons, you'll align the text to the left, center or right, respectively. The last button, Justify, aligns the text so that each line has the exact same length.
  2. Vertical align: If you click the Top, Middle or Bottom buttons, you'll align the text to the top, the middle or the bottom of the text box itself.
  • The last one we're going to talk about is the line spacing. This option determines how much spacing there is between the lines of a text. To apply a specific spacing, select the text, click Line spacing and choose between Single, 1.15, 1.5 or Double.
  • You can also enter a custom value for the spacing. To do so, select the text, click Line spacing and choose Custom spacing. Then, just type the desired value in the field below 'Line spacing' and click Apply.
  • Lastly, to remove any formatting from the text and leave it with the default settings, select the text and click Clear formatting.

Images Disappearing From Google Slides

In a world that is becoming more connected via The Cloud, programs are now letting you create and share projects and presentations without downloading software. This means you don't need to worry and fret with the idea that someone in your company or team doesn't have the needed software to view important files. But because we didn't start off as a cloud-based society, our go-to tool for creating presentations was the powerhouse known as PowerPoint. As companies and individuals start leaning more towards cloud-based systems, they're beginning to realize that they need to convert what they already have into what is now available in a cloud-based solution, such as Google Slides. If you are wanting to make that leap, here are 5 things to be aware of when you convert PowerPoint to Google Slides.

1. Animations/Transitions

Before exporting and transferring your presentation, keep in mind that the animations and transitions that you have applied to objects within your project will not carry over. Yes this can create headaches for those who use animations on every single object, but the purpose for converting over isn't in the usability of the features post-transfer. The goal and purpose for transferring over to a cloud system is usually in keeping the content of a PowerPoint project, as well as allowing multiple people access to the presentation without having to download an external software.This can be a huge issue if you are wanting to transfer over complex and intricate presentations.

2. Video/Audio

Images Disappearing In Google Slides Free

When creating presentations in PowerPoint, you can seamlessly incorporate audio and video within the presentation. This becomes an issue when uploading your project to Google Slides. The video and audio will no longer work as it once did in PowerPoint. Once your project is uploaded, you can re-insert the video directly from your computer or YouTube while in Google Slides. Unfortunately, the process is a little harder when working with audio. You literally need to link an image with a link to the audio file found on the web, and it will then play the audio when clicked.

3. Charts/Hyperlinks

Charts in PowerPoint work so well and allow for many different types of scenarios and situations, but they include miniature Excel sheets within that handle all the equations and sequences. The same thing happens in Google Slides with Google Sheets, but it also happens to be that neither PowerPoint and Excel get along very well with Slides and Sheets. So, long story short, charts don't transfer over to Slides from PowerPoint.

PowerPoint allows for the use of hyperlinks, which means that they allow you to link to specific pages outside of the program and slides within the program. Essentially, this allows you to create a kind of choose-your-own-adventure presentation. Which is a fun way to present. But like charts, there are problems with the code and link that kill the hyperlink. You have to relink the objects and or text natively within Google Sheets.

4. Notes

After all the things that don't transfer over, you were beginning to wonder if anything does! Well don't worry, slide notes are some of the only things that stay formatted correctly when uploading PowerPoint projects to Google Slides. Which means all those speaker, teacher, and HR notes that you meticulously typed in are simply uploaded during the transfer.

5. SmartArt

And wait, there is one more feature that I will mention that works after the PowerPoint to Slides transfer. And that is SmartArt. It works because it is essentially just objects and text properties that have been preset for you to loadout whenever you need it.

If by chance you are wanting to convert from Google Slides to PowerPoint, it is as simple as File>Download As>Microsoft PowerPoint. And everything works great (well almost everything; graphs and charts always seem to have problems).

All in all, PowerPoint doesn't always play too nicely with Google Slides, but these 5 points will help you make the transition from PowerPoint to Google Slides a lot smoother. And if you are in a bind, check out our assets that are 100% compatible with Google Slides. Let me know in the comment section below if you have found any other points on how to make the transfer easier and less of a headache.

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